E18 Lysaker - Ramstadsletta pedestrian bridges

The current infrastructure between Lysaker and Ramstadsletta is being expanded and upgraded. The E-18 is currently undergoing a major upgrade like a widening to 2 x 3 continuous lanes, 5 kilometer upgrade of the existing road, exclusive bus lane on the entire section and uninterrupted main cycle lanes on the entire 5 kilometer section.

The wish of the surrounding area was to guide light traffic (Pedestrians and cyclists) safely across the works to be carried out, so that people can continue to go to work and children to school. There was also a desire to route intersecting construction traffic separately from through traffic over the E18. To this end, Janson Bridging made a number of proposals to Statens Vegvesen for both two pedestrian bridges, as well as two platforms to guide work traffic over the E18.



Dettagli del progetto

Ponte pedonale
Total length
225+143 meter
Larghezza carreggiata
3 meter
Finitura impalcato
Red porfier minerals anti skid
235 + 210 tons
Design load
5 kN/m2 + 5 ton Service vehicle
Ponte pedonale